
Wafer Dicing technologies

Blade / saw dicing Stealth dicing

√Used for > 100um thick wafers

×Large Kerf (cutwidth)


×Debris/post clean

×Higher water consumption

×High consumable parts (blades) cost

×Not suitable for thin wafers

√Used for thin wafers < 100um

√Dry process/ Enviro . Friendly

√No debris

×IP protected process

×Not suitable for complex devices

Wafer processing

fs laser dicing laser ablation laser + saw

Full cut with Laser:only fs solution for thin wafers

√Hybrid technology offers high speed no mechanical forces;√no cracking or chipping

√low kerf width

√Low HAZ

√High throug hput

√Excellent yield, better accuracy

√Hybridof laser + saw

√Dry process, low material waste

√Low HAZ

√No delamination

√High through put

√Excellent yield, high accuracy

√Dry process, low material waste

Femtosec laser advantage

Multiple wavelengths  available

High power, high energy= high throughput

High Reliability, good lifetime

OEM solutions provider

Manufacturing capacity

Unmatched quality systems

Global support structure, dedicated support available

Global support structure, dedicated support available

Collaborative approach

Industry leader in manufacturing of high power

industrial laser systems

Strong industrial links

Strong partnerships with leading application laboratories

地址:北京市海淀区中关村333号楼二层201室;上海市静安区永兴路888弄1号楼;西安市碑林区南二环西段太白路立交西北未来城 3# 楼2404 室;四川省成都市成华区锦绣大道4599号荣盛香榭兰庭;深圳市南山区西丽桃源街道平山一路世外桃源创意园B栋503室,
电话:010-62565117  传真:010-62565117-803